Team Eudamonia, focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). Our team aims to analyze how human activities or specific products relate to issue to water scarcity and pollution, to see how activities and products can become more sustainable from a water perspective, and to promote the reduction of water footprint at personal level.


Compute To Sustain is an awareness campaign that will undertake exciting activities like 'Sustainable Sundays', Ideathons and offline campaigns to enlighten people about green computing. It is an initiative towards sensitizing people on how responsible and mindful usage of technology and electronics can lead to a greener, healthier world.

Some of the Successful Events:

1. Water footprint survey
A survey was conducted by the team members in offline mode where they interviewed the students of Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD), to discuss our aim, vision and contributions followed by a series of questions to understand the current knowledge of college students. We talked to about 30 people during the conduct of this activity. The interviewees took keen interest in learning about the ever-increasing water footprint and its repercussions. The participating students were informed about the vision of Eudaimonia and our campaign for this cohort. The team talked about water footprint, and its consequences. The event aimed at spreading awareness about SDG 3 and 6. The awareness wasn't just limited to IGDTUW students, but also to AUD, school students, and faculty. The team received very positive feedback from the audience. The interviewees were participating enthusiastically and became avid listeners when the campaign was being talked about. Their support and participation made the survey successful as the team was able to learn about the current understanding of the people as well as spread knowledge about the cause.

2. What’s your flow?-
We organized a major awareness session at SKV School, Jagatpuri in collaboration with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. The team reached out to students from class 7th and 8th standard, surveyed about their current knowledge on water footprint, followed by a session conducted in offline mode. The event ended with a poster making competition focussed on the same topic. We believe that learning at a young age has a profound impression on one's mind. Thus we targeted the young generation to start a major awareness campaign about the current scenario and how it is getting worse as days pass. We connected with about 50 students from the 14-15 year old age group. The students were highly inquisitive to learn about water footprint, its effects and repercussions. The team discussed Eudaimonia's aim, vision, water footprint (in general) and shared some tips with students for reducing their share of water footprint in various products on an individual level. We were overwhelmed by the feedback received. The students were highly satisfied and motivated to be the change and to be ready to play their small part to contribute to the change which Eudaimonia was aiming to bring.

3. Luxurious Water-
The team organized a webinar on water footprint caused by the textile industry for the students of IGDTUW. The General Secretary of team Inayat was invited as a guest speaker where she discussed their vision on sustainable fashion. The students were made aware about the ever-increasing issue caused due to fast fashion and other schemes from the industry. Eudaimonia extended to nearly 600 students during the event. The participants were very vibrant and desirous for talking about the issue and showed their concern by actively participating during the entire session. The webinar aimed to disseminate awareness about the water footprint caused by the textile industry and how we have been contributing to it. The team used facts and figures to create an impact and discussed the different ways in which one can contribute on a personal level to contribute to a sustainable environment. The audience actively raised queries and shared solutions on slido by scanning QR. The team received affirmative responses from the audience. The audience participated enthusiastically and became avid listeners during the session.

4. Give For Food-
Give for Good was a clothes donation drive started by the vigilant team members of Eudaimonia and Inayat. The donation drive started on 25th April 2022 and went up to 2nd May 2022. The team collaborated with Goonj for the drive and all the obtained garments were sent to the Sarita Vihar Goonj Centre on 05th May 2022. The team received a lot of support from approximately 200 donors. Both the teams spread the word for donation. Their words and initiative created an impact on the youth of the country to realize the importance of clothes donation. A large number of clothes were able to reach the needy with the help of the Give for Good drive. The Give for Good drive was aimed to disseminate awareness about clothes donation to create an impact on a personal level. Eudaimonia and Inayat were able to encourage people for a good cause. The drive not only focused on helping the one in need, but also about alternate ways to reduce the wastage of good-condition garments caused by fast fashion. People participated actively in the campaign by donating a large number of good condition clothes. They were very happy to see the team taking such thoughtful initiatives. The team received affirmative responses from the donors. The drive turned out to be highly successful.

5. Khana bhi peeta hai-
" Khana bhi Peeta hai" was a Twitter Campaign started by the enthusiastic team members of Eudaimonia. The Twitter campaign started on 1st June 2022 and went up to 2nd June 2022. The students were invited to make posters on food items having water footprints and a better alternative to the selected food item and they had to retweet a poster they made and used hashtags #khanabhipeetahai #eudaimonia. Team Eudaimonia believes that Creativity is intelligence having fun with this Twitter Campaign. We targeted young minds to suggest alternative foods for reducing water footprint. The participants were very vibrant and actively participated. They made magnificent posters to make themselves a little more sustainable and responsible. The campaign aimed to make ourselves sustainable and responsible by using alternative food items which have less water footprint. Eudaimonia was able to encourage people for a good cause by initiating a Twitter Campaign. People participated actively in the campaign by making magnificent posters and retweeting with hashtags. They were highly excited about this campaign. We received thoughtful tweets for a good cause. The team was able to create a sustainable and responsible environment…

6. Social media campaign-
Social Media is a powerful tool for reaching out to a large audience. We took up small initiatives through social media campaigning to educate the community about crucial issues and build momentum to bring change and achieve goals set by the UN. We surveyed 600+ people on their knowledge about Water Footprint through social media, and planned our sessions according to the received responses. We spread our word through posters on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, received a lot of appreciation, and positive responses for the initiative from social media platforms. We created attractive posters, reels, and presentations. We also uploaded 2-3 basic questions daily revolving around Sustainable Development Goals, with an emphasis on SDGs 3 and 6. We received active participation from our followers.


This endline survey was a huge success and full of new learnings. We were able to inform the audience about the water footprint. The audience was highly satisfied and motivated to be the change and ready to be sustainable. The team received lots of support from approximately 350+ responses. The enthusiasm of the students and the positive feedback received made this activity a successful awareness program, they took action towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals.